Current transformers

1-phase current transformers with primary winding

1-phase current transformers with round conductor

1-phase current transformers with round conductor

1-phase current transformers with split core

3-phase current transformers

1 and 3-phase curent transformers dedicated to ND20CT power meter - L series

AC transducer T22CT

AC/DC transducer

Resin cast CT's

Summation current transformers LU01

Round current transformers

1-phase current transformers with round conductor
Are you looking for good, safe and inexpensive current transformers that allow you to measure high currents precisely with meters with smaller measuring ranges?
We have exactly what you need!
In the comprehensive Lumel offer you will find current transformers in various accuracy classes with a wide range of supported primary currents, busbar dimensions and hole diameters. For wall mounting, on a 35mm DIN rail, on a cable, on a power rail.
We provide for e.g. :
- current transformers with primary winding - LCTM series
- current transformers with round conductor- LCTR series
- current transformers with busbar conductor - LCTB series
- current transformers with split core - LCTS series
- 3-phase current transformers - LCTP series
- Resin cast CT’s- LRC series
- summation current transformers - LU01 series
- round current transformers - LW and LE series
Transformers we offer:
- Available in accuracy class: 0.2S; 0.2; 0.5S; 0.5; 1; 3
- They are dedicated for primary currents - from 1A to 7500A
- Thanks to the connection cover they are adapted for sealing
- Maximum transformer operating voltage: 0.72 k
- Nominal secondary current of transformers: 5A or 1A (for 3-phase 5A transformers)
- Nominal power of transformers: 1; 1.25; 1.5; 2.5; 3.75; 5; 7.5; 10; 12.5; 15; twenty; thirty; 45; 60; 100 VA
- Ambient temperature of transformers operation: -20 ° C ... + 45 ° C
- Operating temperature of transformers: -10 ° C ... + 55 ° C
- Transformer safety factor (FS): 2,5; 5; 10
- All Lumel transformers are covered by a 3-year warranty.
Depending on the needs, they can be supplied with a Quality Control certificate or example of calibration certificate of LUMEL SA.